SUBMIT YOUR PROMPT in the Zoom chat.

We’re going to a bunker/desert island/years-long simulated Mars mission, and the skill/gift I’m bringing is…

Poem “The Conditional” Ada Limón

Opening Song The Final Countdown — Europe


Burning it down (lighting the Advent candles)

Story Erica Fada

The word of God for the people of God…
Thanks be to God.

Song My Love is Your Love — Whitney Houston

Prayers of the People led by Bet Zemke
               God in your love…      …hear our prayers.



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Song Die with a Smile — Lady Gaga & Bruno Mars


Making Peace

Peace be with you.
And also with you.

Communion led by Cillian Green

God be with you.
And also with you.
Lift up your hearts.
We lift them up to God.
Let us give thanks to God.
It is right to give our thanks and praise

Music during Communion World on Fire — Sarah McLachlan

Closing Song 1999 — Prince



Dec 15th, 5pm: Beer ‘n’ Carols ‘n’ Cookies ‘n’…

Dec 22nd, 5pm: Preppers Church

Dec 29th: NO CHURCH

Jan 5th, 5pm: back at it!

We need YOUR stories! December’s theme is Preppers: Get Ready! (Dec 15 and 22). Batten down the hatches, gather your people, make a safe space, and store up provisions for hard times…it’s Advent, bxby! (Why, what were you thinking of?)

Are you the friend who always has a little of everything in your bag? Maybe you’ve got a story of a time when you were seriously underprepared. Who knows, maybe you’re a low key hoarder! Tell us about it. How you’d end up so good (or bad) at preparations? Contingency plans, go bags, seed saving, wilderness survival courses…Any of this sound like you? Let us know! Email

Beer ‘n’ Carols ‘n’ Cookies ‘n’… Our oldest, longest-running tradition is BACK. Sun, Dec 15th, we’ll have a Beer ‘n’ Carols service, with Christmas music chosen on the spot by you. So start considering your favorites now.

Plus: bring your favorite holiday cookies to share. We’ll eat ‘em while we’re together and send each other home with mix ‘n’ match leftovers. A good night to invite friends!


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Gilead Vanco

Gilead Venmo

Talk with a pastor



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