For 8 years, Gilead has built queer community to break bread, celebrate each other, and share true stories that save lives. And now, we're dying.

On Jan 12th Gilead's Congregation voted to close Gilead. Below is the letter our founders Vince and Rebecca sent out in advance of that vote.

There is a lot good living going on. Sunday night worship, story circles and The Balm, a banging Ash Wed service on March 5th, and an Easter vigil to end all Easter vigils (Sat, April 19th). Get in on any of that and/or throw some support our way for end-of-life costs and funeral expenses.

When we started Gilead (pastors Rebecca and Vince here), our goal was to help create a community that, in time, would have enough people, resources, and energy to pass on to another minister when it was time for us to leave. We were working toward a congregation that could sustain itself and have life beyond our leadership. We knew it was an uphill climb. At that time the statistics were something like 85% of new churches didn’t make it long term.

Over the last two years, we’ve started to suspect that we might be in that 85%. Since 2022, all our markers of health as a congregation have been on a downward trend: attendance, income, and maybe most significantly, energy. The decline in all three areas means that Gilead is not living sustainably and, maybe more importantly, we’re not living according to our values of being a playful, abundant, brave congregation.

We love this community. We love each of you. This work has been some of the most meaningful of our lives. It has been joyful, and life-saving, and faithful. We believe in Gilead. That it is the kind of community that should exist. That God called it into being.

And: looking at where we’re at, both as a congregation and as leaders, we think the time has come for Gilead to close. Not immediately, but in the coming months. We brought this proposal to Gilead Leadership (aka PDP, or Perpetual Dance Party) in December, and they ultimately agreed.  

This, of course, makes us incredibly sad. We’ve shed a lot of tears about it and done a lot of work to try to turn things around. We don’t make this recommendation lightly, because we have poured our hearts and souls into this place, as so many of you have as well. We know this likely brings up all kinds of feelings: sadness, anger, fear, hope. We are feeling them all with you.

And we ultimately believe that closing Gilead is an act of hope and defiance. Another way for us to do church differently, as we always have. While so many congregations facing similar situations try to eke out an existence and cling to continuation at the expense of real ministry, we think this is an opportunity for Gilead to go out as we meant to go on: with joy and with faith that God has more for us beyond this present moment.

The reality is that this is not our decision to make alone. We are saying that we don’t have the energy to continue this work and would like to help Gilead have the best ending possible, but it is your church. It belongs to the congregation, and the decision of what to do with it ultimately belongs to the congregation.

This Sunday night, Jan 12th, after worship, we will hold a congregational meeting. Vince and Rebecca will share more deeply about where we’re at (as a congregation and pastors); what we’ve tried (ditto); and what we think is next. President Lucas Merchant and longtime treasurer Tammy Besser will share more information, including numbers and finances. There will be time for sharing what you’re thinking and feeling (and lots more time for that in the coming months).

All other decisions and plans come after that one. Whatever we decide, Gilead is not a failure. It is a beautiful reflection of the living God, a new translation of real good news. And it has saved lives. The impact, relationships, and creativity born here will go on.

In love and hope,

Vince and Rebecca

The Bump — good news for all people

The Bump — good news for all people

You’re at a friend’s party and you’re out of things to talk about with the person you just met. Let us introduce…The Bump!

It’s after church and you’re talking to a new person. They’re great and also they just mentioned they love baking. Have you heard about…The Bump?

It’s 4:56 on a Sunday at My Buddy’s and you have to pee but someone is asking you a question and it feels hard to just walk away. It’s time for The Bump! (Although, also, we were recently reminded that you should listen to your body and we honor your needs.)

The Bump is shorthand for introducing a third person into your conversation and handing off the thread you’ve been holding. Maybe you or someone else in the conversation needs to escape or maybe there’s a fun connection to be made. Or in this relaunch phase at Gilead, maybe there’s just the opportunity for a couple more people to learn each other’s names.

That party scene: “Do you know Stephanie?” Besides letting yourself off the hook, you could be doing someone else a favor. Now they each know one more person. And you can go grab another drink.

After worship with a bread baker: “Have you met Lucas? He’s our bread tzar and I know he’s always looking for more bakers for communion.”

On your way to the can: either just get out of there and take care of it, or call someone else over, “Cillian, are you free? They have a question before church.”

Bump. Bump. Bump.

The other time to think of it is at the end of a one-on-one, when you’re each thinking about who else you might meet with. Who comes to mind? Can you help facilitate by texting both people? Great! Do it. Digital bump.

2024 One-on-ones

2024 One-on-ones

A one-on-one is a 45- to 60- minute intentional conversation between two people, held for the purpose of building a public relationship.

One-on-one’s are how we started this church, asking people in coffee shops and at storytelling shows if they’d be game to talk for 45 min or an hour. We had a ridiculous goal. Like, Rebecca was gonna have 800 one-on-ones in 6 months. (She probably hasn’t had that many in her life — or maybe she’s approaching it now, 8 years later.) Anyway: they work. They work to create connections, to deepen relationships, and to build power.

Sunday night, April 21, 2024, we launched a campaign of one-on-one’s with a more reasonable, but ambitious, goal: 100 one-on-one conversations among Gileadites before September 15th. Our goals? To build community, deepen the relationships we have, and find new connections.

There are two ingredients you need for one-on-ones. Courage and curiosity.

Start with curiosity. If you don’t think the other person is worth 45 min of genuine interest, you can skip it. For some folks, that curiosity comes more easily than others, but you can definitely cultivate it. Often, when people first think about doing one-on-ones, they get nervous about “what am I gonna say?” But good news: the assignment is more like, “how hard can I listen?”

Curiosity in a one-on-one can include:

  1. having some go-to starter questions in your back pocket. H/t to the crew on April 21, who liked “What brought you to Chicago?”

  2. listening deeply for one thing you’d like to know more about and asking a follow-up question based on that. H/t to the crew who appreciated Jill’s asking further “why” questions (eg, “Why did you come to Chicago the first time?”)

  3. listening deeply for something you wonder about in what they’re saying and asking that — a meaning-making question or one about what motivates them (eg, “How’d you get interested in that?”)

  4. listening deeply for a point of connection, in yourself or with someone else in the congregation. (“Have you talked to Lucas? He’s our bread hoss.”)

It takes courage to ask someone to meet up in the first place, to ask them to remind you of their name, for their phone number, to give 45 minutes of their time, to ask good questions, and to share some of your own story authentically — because this isn’t a one-way interview.

Steps (it’s simple: you’ve had coffee before!)

  1. Book it. Set a place and time.

  2. Honor your time and plan: stop at 45 or 60 min. REALLY.

  3. Take a selfie and tag Gilead on social media. The next time either one of you is at church, your beer or tots are on us!

  4. Ask if there’s anyone else they think you should connect with (and pass on your recs to them). Aka, The Bump.

Weekly Worship

Weekly Worship

We meet most Sundays at 5 pm, for stories, music, food, Communion, community, and whatever else you show up with. Spring and Summer of 2024, we’re at My Buddy’s (4416 N Clark) with a temporary spring and summer schedule (that’s a PDF for you). But we’re at My Buddy’s almost every wk in any case, and you can subscribe to our google cal at the + sign in the lower right hand of this hideous page.

What to expect/know:  You're welcome to come as you are. Fresh from the beach, and still wearing your bathing suit? A-ok! Just rolling up from a Barbie-themed pub crawl? As long as you can still mostly hold it together, great!

Dress is casual (or whatever you're comfortable in). The welcome is wide and real. We’ve got Narcan and Plan B on the welcome table. We sing pop music, chosen for that night’s theme, with drums and keyboard. There’s communion, a sermon, prayer, and one or two people who share a true, personal story they’ve crafted for the service. It’s funny, a little bit loud, a little bit chaotic (although oh-so-carefully planned), and real. We usually meet for about an hour. If you want to know a bit more about what it feels like, here are some reports from people who aren't pastors here:

Ruth, 7th grader (Chicago).  "I am glad I went to a service that wasn’t boring. I would have had a much blander experience if I had gone to any other church. Gilead was unique and endearing and I am glad that I went. I would definitely consider returning."     Read Ruth's whole reflection here.  

Chad the Bird, Chicago's avian op-ed columnist. "'...real butter Christians. It's delicious. They sound delicious. And they were. Lovely room. Um, first of all, they meet at a bar, which I was, like, 'K.' ...So I walk in there and they're like, 'Hey, what do you wanna drink?' And I was, like, 'I dunno. What're you drinking?' And they were like, 'We've got PBR and shots of Malort for $5.' I was like, 'C'monnnn.'  So yeah, they just get drunk on happiness — and also beer." Listen to all of Chad's story and his take on bar-church here. (He calls us "stupendous, and super huggy.") 

Maria Vorhis, writer/performer, filmmaker, and teaching artist (Chicago). "I was not wondering about an escape route this time because I was listening. I was listening to my friend preach about creativity, how we are all created and therefore creative. How it is our job to live our most creative lives as a way of fulfilling our potential and serving others. After the service I met people. Lovely, inviting, kind people who were curious and smart and inclusive. I hugged some of them. I even held one of their babies. And when I left, I was confused because I had just been to church and I was not religious..."    Read the rest of Maria's piece here.

Re- re- re- RELAUNCH!

Re- re- re- RELAUNCH!

After church on Sun, March 17, 2024, a crew of hung around to talk about the next chapter for Gilead: the big post-pandemic relaunch we kept talking about (and then not doing when it kept being not post-pandemic). Here’s the redux, in case you missed it:

The stuff we’re good at (friends, parties, creative and inclusive worship, storytelling) is stuff the world still needs and needs from church. We’re uniquely positioned and qualified for that.

We need to expand our community to make it more sustainable and to share this space with others who need it. 

We’re building toward a September 15th Relaunch (save the date, pls) which means that between now and then, our priorities as a community are increasing our reach; meeting and becoming community with more people; refocusing on visitors, newcomers, and folks we don’t know yet.

What it looks like:

Refocus on visitors’ experience. We’re considering the shape of the evening from the POV of someone showing up for the first time. How do they know what to do, where to sit, with whom to sit, where to get a drink, what’s the deal with all these handouts, and what’s next if they wanna connect more deeply?

(Some of) What it takes. Greeters! At least one pastor committed to greeting and being available to talk to new folks as they come in. Regulars sitting together, introducing themselves to new people, and making space. Radical things like: starting on time and having (usually) a one-hour service. Little things like: occasionally saying why we do things how we do things.

Increasing our reach. Another big ol’ ad campaign, funded in part by a grant through our partnership with Lighthouse Foundation. Swag for worship and beyond (yo, put a beer label sticker on your laptop). 

(Some of) What it takes. Money. Design. Evangelism (whoops!). Going to storytelling events with business cards in my pocket. You, inviting friends to events and church. You, engaging with and sharing Gilead social media (if that’s part of your life). 

Meeting and becoming community with more people. When Gilead was getting started, Vince and I spent a lot of time meeting people, having coffee, buying folks a beer, telling them about our mission statement and core practices. We also planned and hosted “comeback events,” gatherings that are fun (read: easy to invite folks to) and serve an additional entry points into relationship. 

(Some of) What it takes. Parties. Hosts. Fundraisers. The Gilead Road Show. A monthly storytelling event called “The Balm.”  TIME and ENERGY. A temporary schedule that lets pastors focus on this work and invites you into more leadership. You coming to stuff and bringing friends. One-on-ones. A one-on-one training on Sunday, April 21st, 5 pm at My Buddy’s so more of us feel better equipped to have this kind of conversation. 

TL;DR: new schedule for next 5 months, working toward a big Sept 15 relaunch. Printable fridge calendar here, now in Gen X font size; subscribable google calendar here

What the bible says about abortion

What the bible says about abortion

Issue date: June 1st, 2019. Christopher Piatt asked Rev Rebecca Anderson to come tell The Paper Machete what the bible has to say about abortion. Below is her response.

On Wednesday, Season 3 of The Handmaid’s Tale drops. Big news for anyone who enjoys long close-ups of Elizabeth Moss’s eyes batting frantically as she confronts the horrors of what we, until recently, enjoyed thinking of as dystopian fiction. Now, of course, the plot cuts a little close to the bone as a decades-long plan to overturn Roe v Wade unfolds faster and faster. 

The new season of The Handmaid’s Tale is of particular interest to me because a few years ago I started a new congregation, a queer, storytelling, bar church. We had a dreamy, weird little vision, not un-inspired by the Paper Machete, actually — and we named it Gilead. Our Gilead had been meeting for a few months, our Gilead website live for a year, a successful kickstarter for our Gilead under our belts when I said to my co-pastor, “I’m excited. Hulu’s coming out with a new Handmaid’s Tale.”

“Yeah,” he said. “Do you remember the name of the regime — “


When Margaret Atwood wrote The Handmaid’s Tale, she had a rule for herself: she “would not include anything that human beings had not already done in some other place or time, or for which the technology did not already exist.” So that the Republic of Gilead — that’s the name of the regime — feels familiar and possible isn’t an accident: the group hangings, the forbidding of literacy for women, the theft and removal of children from parents for placement with those in power, the forced childbearing and the appropriation of children born as a result, these all have precedents not in “other” cultures and religions, Atwood wrote, but “within Western society, and within the ‘Christian’ tradition itself.”

So it’s of particular interest to me not just because of the truly great cinematography or because of how often someone in a bar says to me, “Hey, funny question: do you watch The Handmaid’s Tale?” (as if I don’t know), but because the book, the show, and our own current reality is rooted in a faith tradition that, sure, I could’ve left but didn’t. 

*          *          *

Here’s the thing: the Bible doesn’t say anything about abortion. Miscarriages get just two mentions: once, it’s not a crime; once, it’s a source of grief. There are lots of people who get pregnant in the Bible, there are a bunch of people who really want to get pregnant but can’t. There are lots of miraculous pregnancies — post-menopausal women getting pregnant and, famously, Mary, the mother of Jesus. There are a couple of bad-ass midwives in the book of Exodus who, when told to control a population of enslaved people by killing their baby boys when they’re born, look the Pharaoh in the eye, use his racism against him, and say, “These Hebrew women, they’re so hardy that we can’t get there fast enough when they give birth.” There’s a woman who tricks her father-in-law into fucking, for the sake of justice. There’s at least one woman who trades fruit for sexual favors, trying to get knocked up. There are women “giving” their maids to their husbands. There’s abuse and sexual assault and grief and hope against hope for a future when no people will be enslaved, when the work of laborers will profit them and not the oppressors, when children will not be born for calamity. That last is Isaiah 65 if you’re following along in your bibles.

The thing about the bible is that it doesn’t say anything on its own, without interpretation, I mean. And, as a man on a Tinder date with me will tell you, even though I have an advanced degree in religion and he does not: read in the right light, the Bible is actually quite radical. 

*          *          *

In May of 1967, the front page of the NYTimes ran a little article announcing the formation the Clergy Consultation Service. A group of 21 clergy people, ministers and rabbis, were available for abortion advice. Rev Howard Moody was the senior minister at Manhattan’s Judson Memorial Church, and he traveled the country, having private conversations with pastors in their homes and church basements, pulling together a coalition. At the end of that first year, there were about 1400 members of an underground clergy network. They offered a phone number to call, that was answered by a recording of a woman’s voice. She listed clergy, their locations, and how to reach them. Then, once you, pregnant, were sitting in a rabbi or pastor’s office, they’d ask what you wanted to do. If the answer was abortion, they’d help you get one safely. 

There was a university chaplain in St Louis, Rev William Kirby, who estimates that he personally helped 3000 women. They got on a morning flight to New York — lawyers advised it was harder to prosecute out-of-state procedures — and were back in the dorm by nightfall.

Arlene Carmen, a church administrator who definitely would’ve been called a church secretary, went to doctors who offered abortion, posed as a pregnant client, and assessed the place for everything from sterile instruments to kind staff. She sometimes waited until she was in the stirrups to reveal her identity and purpose. Other women did the same. 

Rev Barbara Gerlach, whose friend had gotten a back-alley abortion from a man who wore a mask from the moment he met her at the door through the entire procedure, entered seminary in 1968. By the time Rev Gerlach was ordained, she could help women go to New York State for legal abortions. “We had pastoral confidentiality,” she said. “We could talk to women in a way that our conversations were privileged.  And I thought ‘Well, this is something I can do. I can help women.’”

Congregations pitched in to defray costs of travel and treatment. Clergy used their discretionary funds to help. The Consultation Service got big enough — up to about 3000 clergy, by some counts — that they had economic leverage and convinced providers to keep costs low or even waive fees. 

One of things the bible says, read in a certain light, is that God is on the side of the vulnerable. Always. For anti-abortion people, this means that God is on the side of fetal tissue. But the bible is silent on that matter. What the bible does say, at great length, over and over, in many ways, is that failure to care for neighbor, stranger, widows, orphans, the impoverished, the reviled, is one of the quickest ways to incur God’s wrath. A phrase I did not imagine saying at the Paper Machete.

The Clergy Consultation Service recognized that, as now, laws concerning abortion unduly impacted poor women, and women of color. If you could afford it, a doctor would deem your abortion “therapeutic” and sha-zam: you got a legal abortion. The way the consultation service read it, that was just one more instance of the powerful getting their needs met while the vulnerable suffered. 

The pastors and lay leaders in the Clergy Consultation Service understood that an unwanted pregnancy is an affliction. Very bible-y language. And their call, in light of that, said Rev Robert Hare, was natural: it was to ease the affliction. Their call was to offer compassion. 

*          *          *

Yesterday, the last clinic in Missouri to provide abortion got a few days’ breathing room; a judge granted the clinic a little more time to resolve its issues with the state. Or, the state’s issues with it. Now the clinic has until Tuesday. Phew – big relief. Now there’s plenty of time for everyone to get all the health care they need over the weekend. The clinic’s in St Louis, where Rev Kirby helped all those women get on flights to New York, 50 years ago. 

Late last night down in Springfield, the Illinois Senate passed the Reproductive Health Act. Already passed by the House of Reps, it’s heading to Pritzker for his signature. And the anti-abortion faction is losing their shit. One headline joked that in Illinois, we’re making abortion a “fundamental right.” Hahaha! Can you imagine?? That just anyone could go get medical services they require? Anyway.  

During the debate leading up to the passage of that Alabama bill that bans nearly all abortion without exception, the bill that sentences providers to up to 99 years in prison?, the bill’s sponsor, Alabama state senator Clyde Chambliss said that we need legal guidance on when an unborn child becomes a person. That’s an ask that everyone can regret: trying to fix an unfixable point.

There is no religious consensus, on when a fetus becomes a person. (There’s no medical or scientific one either.) The Bible has nothing to say on the matter that’s not metaphorical. God created the first people and breathed a divine breath into them, animating them. In the Psalms, there’s poetry about being wonderfully made and known and loved even in utero and another one like that in Jeremiah. But none of it proves anything. And no law, sorry Clyde, would either. People will still experience one pregnancy, that needs ending, as, y’know, not a crime. And another one, lost at the same point, as a grief. One pregnancy will still be a fuck-you to someone’s father-in-law, and another the answer to prayer. 

Here’s the thing: I know that to many of you, it doesn’t matter what’s in the bible. There are many ways in which what’s in the bible doesn’t matter to me either, believe it or not. What matters to me is how all this — all this text, and tradition — gets lived out. So, even though it’s a small thing, I want to apologize.  It’s something I can do.

If anyone has ever suggested to you or someone you love that an abortion is something you need forgiveness for: I’m sorry.

If someone — and I know they have — has ever tried to limit your access to health care based on their own religious commitments, I’m sorry.

For people using the same religious texts that I love and am building a community around, people using those same sacred texts to justify murder of doctors? I’m very sorry.

Those people, obviously, are not my people. My people are the bad-ass midwives, and the old retired clergy from the consultation service, chuckling in their 80s about the risks they supposedly took. My people are the one who hope against hope that something better for all people is possible and worth working for. 

Take Me To Your River

Take Me To Your River

January 2022

For many years, I (Vince) kept a copy of this prayer tacked to a bulletin board over my desk. I read it over and over again, and found myself reciting lines of it throughout my day. 

“I place you lovingly in the care of the All Caring One.” 

“I no longer believe that you do not have the understanding you need in order to meet life.” 

Many times, as I was counseling someone, the prayer would come to mind. I’d pull it down, give it to them, and as soon as they left, print another copy. 

Even now, after many years of praying it, the words have a power and urgency for me, that ground me instantly in the God of Love.

There are prayers like that, and books, and songs, and paintings, and podcasts, and…the places we go again and again to be reminded who we are, who God is, what life is about. The wells that don’t seem to run dry, even when we do. 

This month we’re returning to them. Back to the source, the reservoir, the living water that we’ve found through the years, and we’re offering them to each other.

We’re calling it “Take Me to Your River” (after about four total hours of discussion on the name - your pledge dollars at work!), after the Leon Bridges’ song that Mario CRUSHES here.

For real quotes

For real quotes

In 2021, we finally got serious about our pledge campaign. No goofy, inscrutable jokes; just asking people, for real, to make a financial commitment to this place for 2022. For real stories, parties, friends, joy, life, church…Anyway. They can tell you why they gave.

You can get in on it, for real, here.

Give, for real II

Give, for real II

Here at Gilead, we like to joke around.

And we’ve been cute about the "pledge campaign" in the past. Maybe too cute. So cute, in fact, that sometimes people didn't know what was going on.

But this is serious: We’re asking you to give for real. For real stories, real community, real parties, real fun, real butter, real life. It’s a place to bring your real.

We’ve asked Gileadites to tell in worship about “a real Gilead moment.” On Nov 7th Cillian Green shared this:

Normally when I walk into a new church, I come around 10 minutes late, stand in the back, and when the service is over, I count to 10 and if no one has come to say anything to me, I run out the door and it’s their own fucking fault for not getting to know me…

But at Gilead I didn’t get that option. I started my time there by telling a story, and when by the time I counted to 10 and was on my way out the door, both pastors and half the gathered people had come by to talk to me…and I thought ‘Dammit….they won’t let me escape my normal way!!!’

To add to this, when the plague first hit, and I was losing my mind, Vince walked all the way to Albany Park and wandered around my neighborhood and let me yammer on and on like the awkward guy that I am…and I thought…’Ugh…I guess I do belong after all.’

Give for a church that beats the clock.

Christian New Year: another made up holiday

Christian New Year: another made up holiday

Gilead holds a moonshine mass (thanks, Jennifer!) to mark “Christian new year” as often as the weather and global pandemics allow. And every year, we try to tell new student pastors what, even, “Christian new year” is. It’s made up, we say (although the liturgical calendar is real. Sort of). It’s witchy, we say. It’s about letting go of what needs letting go of. It’s a chance to get together and drink moonshine and/or gather around a fire. (Just kidding! We wouldn’t make a fire in public! Dangerous! Illegal! [probably])

A few years ago, pastor Rebecca Anderson wrote an essay about “Christian New Year” for the Paper Machete and we think it explains pretty much everything. (It doesn’t.) Here you go.

Happy New Year, mxtherfxckers!

Get out your Advent calendars! Get ready to light up those Advent wreaths! Out with the old, in with the new! 

As you know, and are all tracking, today is the last day of the liturgical calendar. The liturgical calendar is that Christian calendar that marks the annual seasons and cycles of church life and holidays. Tomorrow is the first day of the new year. Not because it’s December 1 but because it’s the first Sunday of Advent, which is always the first day of Advent. Let’s not get into the specifics. What you need to know is that at midnight tonight, the liturgical calendar turns over to the beginning of a new year, the beginning of a new advent, the four weeks leading up to Christmas.  

Maybe when you were a kid, like me, you had an Advent calendar. Every day in December, you open 1 of 25 partially perforated windows on a scene of 19th Century small town Christmas. Behind them, there was a bible verse, or, like, a cute mouse peeking out. 

 Maybe you had a wreath with four candles on it, one that got lit each Sunday of Advent. As a preacher’s kid, I had both the calendar (Bible verse variety), and the wreath. 

Now for most of us, it means either…nothing…or that you buy chocolate Advent calendars, or whiskey Advent calendars. And to you I say: Namaste.

At midnight tonight, when the calendar flips back to the beginning, to Advent, what we’re changing from is Ordinary Time. Ordinary time is a long green stretch on the liturgical calendar, of regular days, uninterrupted by feasts, like Easter, or fasts, like Lent. A long continuous string of normal days, unbroken by celebration or lament. Unbroken, anyway, by communal celebration or lament. There’s always plenty of the personal kind. 

*       *       *       

Couple of things about me, so you can relax:

1) I’m really a pastor. Like, regular ordained, not online. I worked really hard and took out a lot of loans, and yes I’ve heard of the universal life church and know I could’ve “just done it online.” I’m glad you officiated your sister’s wedding.

2) I don’t care if you’re a Christian. I don’t want to convert you.

3) If someone Christian was shitty or did some kinda violence to you, I’m genuinely sorry.

Little more background: 

  • I don’t care about the war on Christmas, mostly because it’s not real.

  • I don’t care when people start listening to Christmas music because life is hard and if that shit cheers you up, go for it!

  • I don’t care if you hate Christmas music. I also don’t really want to hear about it.

  • I don’t actually care about the liturgical calendar.

And maybe that seems obvious to you. Like: who does care about the liturgical calendar? But as someone who spends a LOT of time with other clergy, let me tell you: a whole lot of people care a whole lot about the liturgical calendar. On their FB pages or over Styrofoam cups of bad coffee with non-dairy creamer, they’ll tell you exactly why the calendar is so important. They’ll tell you why you shouldn’t sing Christmas carols until Christmas day, and then why you should sing them through Epiphany, when everyone’s already sick of Christmas. They’ll tell you that Advent is a period of waiting, and expectation, and hoping, and preparation for Christmas and how it’s completely RUINED if you sing Joy to the World too soon. They’ll tell you how it pushes back against the consumerism of Christmas in the US. And, ok, I do care about the consumerism thing.

A few weeks ago, I was sitting with some clergy who got super worked up over a plan to reclaim an old tradition of Advent, when Advent lasted 6 weeks instead of a measly 4. There were excited follow-up emails about the opportunity to reconnect with our roots. But, I was like, um, guys, Advent hasn’t been 6 weeks long since the end of the sixth century. That ship has sailed. 

Advent had only started in maybe 4th century, or at least by then. Like everything else in the calendar, it started locally, based on what people were already doing, and cared about. It was the churches in Spain and Milan who first got excited about it. In France, the full six-wk Advent was adopted by the end of the 5th century at the Council of Mâcon. Advent wasn’t a cozy time of decorations and candle lighting. It was a fast. A whole second Lent. Some people think, in fact, that like Lent, it was a fast to get people through a lean time with dignity. 

Here’s the thing: by some measures, Christianity has been on a long, downward trajectory ever since the Roman government got involved. Like, the last time it was really a persecuted grass roots movement was before the year 312, when emperor Constantine converted, mostly because of his mother, Helena. Before 312, everyone knew that Christianity was for losers. Not losers like they are now, powerful, asshole losers, but regular, powerless losers, the kind of losers anyone would recognize as losers. Vulnerable losers, hunted down and killed for sport.

By the time the liturgical calendar started to come together though, by the mid-300s, Christianity was already in the hands of the powerful, and the Christian calendar was part of a plan for revitalizing the city of Jerusalem by attracting more tourists, in the form of pilgrims, encouraging them to celebrate religious holidays by visiting certain “holy” spots and spending their tourist Roman currency there. 

Advent, like everything else in the calendar, is made up. Or, at the very least, totally arbitrary. Based on what people needed, and what some city-planner-cum-theologian wanted for Jerusalem’s budget, fiscal year 350 A.C.E.

What’s not made up — and I can feel you, steeling yourself for me to make some truth claims, but don’t worry! — what’s not made up is that life happens in cycles, our lives, and every year: full of feast and fast, celebrations and lament, and many, many, totally ordinary days. So much ordinary time. 

*       *       *

If Advent, like everything else, is made up, and we get to take what we want and shake off the rest like so many extra weeks of fasting — looking at you, Pope Gregory the Great — then here’s what I want from Advent. 

I want the scary shit. The readings that the liturgy queens want us to stick to before we get to the cozy ones about the baby. The ones about John the Baptist hissing at religious leaders that they are a brood of vipers, gathered there praying around the president — or wherever. Just an example. I want the madman in the wilderness screaming that the ax is at the root of the tree ready to take down, to take out, what claims to be good but is evil. Laws that claim to protect life but strip people of dignity and choice and bodily autonomy. I want the signs that something new and beautiful is about to happen just when it feels the most unlikely and necessary: deserts in bloom, the rich sent away hungry. I want consumerism fucking gouged, not scaled back, not toned down. I want it burned down – in love. 

I want not just the vulnerable, not just us losers, to notice that ordinary time is coming to a close. That we’re just about done with that. 

But that’s me. I guess I do care about some of the liturgical calendar stuff. 

*       *       *

So let’s practice for tonight. As the old, liturgical year passes away at midnight, as you hang up your Advent calendars, and put on your ugly Council of Mâcon sweaters, and get ready to light that first Advent candle on the wreath, remember: there are signs that this shit is about to burn down. That it needs burning down. There are signs that the old ways are coming to an end and it’s time, again, to overthrow the powerful and protect the vulnerable. It’s time for those who’ve wielded religion and fear of all kinds as weapons to have their swords beaten into plowshares, to make sure that no one has to fast to make ends meet. Out with the old, in with the new.

[10, 9, 8…]

Happy new year.  Ordinary time is over.

Give, For Real

Give, For Real

For Real financial commitments to Gilead for 2022

Here at Gilead, we like to joke around.

And we’ve been cute about the "pledge campaign" in the past. Maybe too cute. So cute, in fact, that sometimes people didn't know what was going on.

But this is serious:

We’re asking you to give for real. For real stories, real community, real parties, real fun, real butter, real life. It’s a place to bring your real.

We’ve asked Gileadites to tell in worship about “a real Gilead moment.” On Nov 21st, Lily Stark shared this:

The prompt of finding a “real Gilead moment” is tricky for me partly because I feel like I have those every week. So, in an attempt to stay on-trend (#hipwiththekids),  I have compiled a list of Gilead Green Flags that I have experienced over the past year or so of attending:

Green Flag #1: It was my non-Christian girlfriend’s idea to start attending together and she routinely feels accepted and like no one is trying to convert her.

Green Flag #2: My habit of openly weeping during every church service I attend is never judged or misunderstood and I believe shared by some of you #safespace

Green Flag #3: The beer advent calendar from last year!

Green Flag #4: The reactions I get from non-church-going Christians in my life when I describe Gilead to them has been consistently positive and hopeful.

Green Flag #5: The fact that I’ve never seen a child be reprimanded or restricted from acting like a child during the service.

Green Flag #6: There is no such thing as “proper church attire” here and I never have to feel worry or shame over my appearance while I’m here.

Green Flag #7: The time I asked in the Zoom chat how many f-words we were allowed to use per week and Vince replied that “four is what feels most worshipful.”

Green Flag #8: The literal Pride flags that hang over our communion table every week.

Green Flag #9: How many times I’ve come home from church smelling like a campfire.

Green Flag #10: The bravery you all show every time you tell a story. There is so much trust in the vulnerabilities you share with us as a community and I couldn’t feel more honored to be a part of that.