Guess who’s back???
You gxys, it’s us! We are!
Starting June 13, 2021, Gilead is back on the lawn at 4250 N Paulina, 5 pm on Sundays. Bring your mask (and, y’know, plan to wear it), any bevvies you might want to enjoy, your church lady fan… We’ll have space and chairs on the lawn for you. We’ll have communion individually wrapped/poured for you. A digital bulletin, bathrooms open for your use (soon-to-be single-user, gender-neutral), stories, sermons, and music you can SING ALONG WITH (still in masks, for now). Thanks to your thoughtful responses to our survey, in case of rain, we’ll be inside the gym with masks, distance, and ventilation.
What to expect, more broadly, and a few reviews.
We need your halp, of course. Sign up to greet and/or bake bread here where you can also get more details. Thanks!
We can’t wait to see you. ❤️ ❤️ ❤️