You feeling lonely, lil hedgehog?
In case you missed it: things have gotten good around here. We’ve popped the cork on some ideas that we have long been looking forward to but that didn't seem to fit anywhere, or were too weird, or were a little (or way) too much work. Ideas that we were saving for...when? and why, again?
When the pandemic hit, we thought, "fuck it. No time like the present." And a new theme was born: a theme about being in the moment, not waiting, or carpe-ing that diem, built of all the stuff we've been saving up. But no more! We're gonna "spend it all, shoot it, play it, lose it, all, right away!"
We kicked off with puppets and we're moving onto hedgehogs. At first, the hedgehog thing was because there are a lot of very good poems about hedgehogs (like, too many to use, even now). And then because hedgehogs, as adorable and vulnerable as they are, also are mad prickly and likely to hurt others just by their very nature. (Just like people! Get it??)
So huddle up, people. Not too close, of course. A little bit of distance is always a good idea — because of the inherent danger. But otherwise, let's throw caution to the wind — because what could come of it all is so good. Let's be church.
Get yer pandemic-era, hedgehog church service here.