Metrics for the city of Chicago are look good…for now (WEAR A MASK!) so we are gonna meet for small, outdoor, masked-up, in-person worship while we can. We’re planning on July 19th, Aug 2, Aug 16, and Aug 30. If it rains: Zoom! If the City or CDC changes guidelines: Zoom! (So it pays to check the Facebook page.) It all takes a lot of planning and compliance. Here’s what you need to know:

Let's do this, bi*ches!

It’s been a while. No, it’s been LITERALLY FOREVER*! We’ve missed you***, and we’re excited to be together again in a safe and socially distant way. This Sunday we will mask up, sanitize ourselves, and gather in the courtyard of Bethany UCC (4250 N Paulina) and HAVE CHURCH TOGETHER FOR THE FIRST TIME SINCE EARLY MARCH. 

Note: Yes, we will technically*** be live-streaming the service on Zoom, but we’d be thrilled if you feel safe joining us in the open air. Obvi, if you don’t / it’s not an option for you, we’ll be in the same place we have been. Find that Zoomy-zoom link in your email.

Here’s The Deal

Masks are not an option. We get it, they aren’t the most comfy thing in the world, and seeing a sea of masks around you is oddly disconcerting. Wearing masks properly (over you nose and mouth) and keeping at least six feet of distance between yourself and people who aren’t on you #QuaranTeam is how we’re getting to be together. It sucks, but staying apart sucks more. #MaskUp #KeepYourDistance

For Your Safety

Sanitized restrooms with working toilets (#upgrade) will be available, but remember, it’s summer and we’re gonna be outside so bring what you need. Some things to consider: water, sunscreen, umbrellas, hats, mats or blankets if you’re not really into plastic chairs. Your #Team will get a circle that’s 8 ft in diameter. Plan well. Plan wisely. Also, we will have some circles set up for larger groups. If you’re not with a larger group… don’t be that g*y**.


Showing Up

Contrary to what you’ve been told, please keep on the grass. When arriving please use the lawn to take the most direct path to your circle of choice, also, fill in from the front to minimize passing and accidentally breathing on each other. We will have stations with hand sanitizer and masks if you forget yours, but again, these aren’t our typical “greeting stations” so let’s not gather or bottle up around them. 

Note: The CDC recommends that older / particularly vulnerable individuals arrive earlier and stay late to minimize close contact with others. So if that's you, consider showing up 10-15 minutes earlier than you usually would. Maybe you'll get to witness a bit of sound check. 

Doing the Thing

Prompts - We’ll be doing prompts social distance style so save our number in your phone now, I’ll wait…


No, I’ll do you 1 better. Click HERE and add us to your contacts**. 

Singing - Our worship staff will be on the steps of the church far enough away that they can remove their masks for speaking and singing without worrying about our "respiratory droplets" getting all up in your circles. We’re not doing any paper. No bulletins, no passing of the peace, or the beer (offering) buckets. No group-singing. WE KNOW! Singing together is what we do, but… safety. 

The Courtyard is BWBYLBCAI - Bring Whatever Beverage But Be Cool About It. Like.
Don’t show up to church with a keg, or a jug of Muscadine wine. Though delicious, we want to be good neighbors, and frankly, not look like assholes. To limit contact we’re practicing a Pack-In/Pack-Out policy, meaning that what you bring with you, leaves with you. Sounds like a great time to break out that travel mug that you haven’t used in months because, what even is travel anymore?

Peeling Out

After the Benediction, you’ll be dismissed row by row to, again, limit passing. We know how we are, so if you wanna stick around and chat with someone, go around the side of the building, or a little down the street so that we don’t get all rowdy crowdy on the sidewalk. (See above about not being those g*ys.)

Your Concerns

A FOG (friend of Gilead) who’s also a public health official reviewed our worship plan and said, and we quote, “the way you’re planning to have worship is like putting on a condom to have oral sex.” Read: This is literally how you say SAFE in Gilead.*

Have other concerns? Let us know. Email. Text. Phone. You (mostly) know how the world works.

**seriously, right now
